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Meditating figure with brain flowers, symbolising peace and clarity through occupational therapy for autism and mental health

Independence for your daily life begins with occupational therapy.

Brain Seed specialises in mobile occupational therapy for autism and mental health clients, delivering innovative therapy in Sydney's Inner-West and surrounding suburbs.

Occupational therapy Venn diagram, intersecting skills, emotions, sensory processing – processes engaged through OT

What is occupational

Occupational Therapy (OT) assists people of all ages and abilities to be more active in their daily life - whether it's through work, play, or personal care. OT's employ a combination of strategies, adaptive tools, and environmental changes to help people live better, more meaningful lives.


Therapy for all ages and stages

Case study on James, highlighting Brain Seed OT service successes for kids in Sydney.

Early childhood and paediatrics (0-12 years)

Grow little dreams to big achievements

We help children flourish by building today's skills to prepare for tomorrow's milestones. Our paediatric therapy supports every aspect of development to guide your little ones as they explore, learn, and grow.


How we can help

At Brain Seed, we specialise in supporting individuals with autism and mental health needs of all ages, but our doors are open to various clients with any disability.

We offer four core services, each designed to cater to the unique needs of our diverse clients.

Woman holding puzzle pieces, embodying Brain Seed's mobile OT's holistic approach to care

Occupational Therapy

Delivered on a consistent basis - either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.

An OT with a magnifying glass over laptop, demonstrating Brain Seed's NDIS functional capacity assessment services

NDIS Functional Capacity Assessments

Comprehensive assessments to help you access the NDIS services you need.

Woman with headphones, symbolising Brain Seed's assistive technology prescription services

Assistive Technology Assessments

Finding the right tools to make daily life smoother and more manageable for you.

An OT offering telehealth services, connecting with clients Australia wide

Telehealth and Online Therapy

Convenient access to our services from anywhere in Australia.


What skills can I learn?

Our services are aimed at developing key skills to support our client' needs and aspirations.

Cute animated bathtub with bubbles, representing OT's role in developing personal care for autism and mental illness

Personal Care

Develop essential skills like toileting, showering, and dressing to promote independence. 

Cartoon piggy bank with halo, symbolising Brain Seeds OT's self-management services for autism and mental health

Self-Management Skills

Master daily living tasks like cooking, cleaning, money management, and getting around.

Smiling cartoon hand icon symbolising Brain Seed's OT's fine and gross motor skills development services

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Gain proficiency in motor skills to support daily activities.

Icon of a smiling push light for sensory regulation therapy at Brain Seed OT

Sensory Regulation

Understand sensory processing to better process and react to sensory inputs for improved comfort.

Two happy speech bubbles representing social skills development through Brain Seed's mobile OT services in Sydney.


Enhance social skills and communication to make friends and relationships more easily.

Cartoon kids and heart, symbolising Brain Seeds mobile OT's emotional regulation services in Sydney

Emotional Regulation Skills

Learn emotional regulation skills to respond to strong feelings in a balanced way.


Frequently asked questions, answered

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Contact us.

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